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Breast Cancer Soy

Written By Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy - September 24, 2010

Regular soy consumption may decrease the risk of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Soy: Regular consumption of soy may decrease the risk of breast cancer.A study published in the Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention investigated the role soy consumption plays in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Researchers evaluated 430 Asian-American women ages 20 to 55 years old. They studied the amount of adult soy intake and measured the urine concentrations of 15 different estrogens and estrogen metabolites.

The study results suggested that regular soy consumption is associated with increased levels of 2-hydroxyestrogen metabolites and decreased 16-hydroxyestrogen metabolites. The higher 2-hydroxyestrogen metabolites levels may decrease the risk of breast cancer. 16-hydroxyestrogen metabolites are stronger estrogens that may stimulate breast cancer cells to grow.

Soybean phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) are chemically similar in structure to naturally produced estrogens in the human body. The soy phytoestrogens contain two primary isoflavones genistein and daidzein. In cultures where soy products are consumed in abundance, women’s health problems, certain cancers, and cardiovascular disease are reported to less prevalent. A diet rich in soy products are not the only diet or lifestyle factor in these cultures that may reduce these health concerns.

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About the Author:

Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy, Health Coach© helps his clients improve their health by using natural products, functional tests, diet, lifestyle and self care. He writes special reports, consults and gives seminars on natural product, diet and lifestyle effects on cancer. You may schedule an appointment for customized natural cancer recommendations by calling 405.919.1982.

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Keith D. Bishop, is the owner and publisher of, and his clinical nutrition practice

Reference Source: Fuhrman BJ, Pfeiffer R, Xu X, et al. Soy Intake is Associated with Increased 2-Hydroxylation and Decreased 16{alpha}-Hydroxylation of Estrogens in Asian-American Women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Sep 2009.

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