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Easy to do at home Heavy Metal Urine Test Procedures

The following heavy metal urine test procedure improves the results obtained using older test methods.

Improved heavy metal testing methods: Your body has a difficult time removing heavy metals if your urine is acidic. By testing and adjusting your urine pH (acidity) to normal levels you will help your body remove the toxic heavy metals through the kidneys and into the urine.

Step 1

Avoid vitamin and mineral supplements for at least 12 hours.



Step 2

Collect your first morning urine sample in a clean container.


Urine sample for the Heavy Metal Urine Test  

Step 3

Test the pH of your urine. Quickly dip a small strip of pH paper into and out of your urine. Instantly compare the color of the paper to the pH chart provided.


urine pH for the Heavy Metal Urine Test  

Step 4

If your urine pH is 6.5 or higher you may continue to the Step 5.


If you urine pH is less than 6.5 your urine is acidic and you may not be eliminating metals properly. 


You may want to buffer your body, Step 4a, to improve the removal of heavy metals and accuracy of the Heavy Metal Screening Test.


Step 4a 

You may do a combination of the following If you need to buffer and remove acid from your body:

1. Consume 5 cups of vegetables and fruit the day prior to your morning urine collection. 

2. Take calcium 500mg and magnesium 200mg twice daily

3. Mix two teaspoonfuls of baking soda into 4 oz of carbon filtered water and drink prior to going to bed.

4. Repeat Steps 1, 2 and 3.

Step 5

Pour the test solution from the small v-shaped vial into the larger test tube.

Place one small square of the Test Paper into test tube solution and screw the cap on the test tube.




Test Paper for the Heavy Metal Urine Test


Step 6

Shake test-tube gently until solution turns green.(Within 30 seconds)





Green solution for the Heavy Metal Urine Test


Step 7

Step 7 A.
Add 1 ml of urine, with the help of the pipette, into to test tube. The test tube is now filled up to the 2 ml line.

Screw the cap on the test tube. 

Shake the test tube vigorously for 15 seconds, stop and allow the solution to react for 30 seconds.

Compare the color chart below. 

If the top color changes from green to any color you are EXTREMELY toxic in one or more heavy metals. You should determine the source of toxic metals, remove the source, and chelate the toxic metals from your body.

If the top color band remains green proceed to Step 7 B.

Step 7 B.
Add 1 ml of the urine, with the help of the pipette, into the test tube. The test tube is now filled up to the 3 ml line.

Screw the cap on the test tube.

Shake the vial vigorously for 15 seconds, stop and allow the solution to react for up to 30 seconds.

If the top color changes from green to any color you are VERY toxic in or more heavy metals. You should determine the source of toxic metals, remove the source, and chelate the toxic metals from your body.

If the top color band remains green proceed to Step 7 C.

Step 7 C.
Add 1 ml of the urine, with the help of the pipette, into the test tube. The test tube is now filled up to the 4 ml line.

Screw the cap on the test tube.

Shake the test tube vigorously for 15 seconds, stop and allow the solution to react for up to 30 seconds.

If the top color band changes from green to any color you are MODERATELY toxic in or more heavy metals. You should determine the source of toxic metals, remove the source, and chelate the toxic metals from your body.

If the top color band remains green proceed to Step 7 D.

Step 7 D.
Add 1 ml of the urine, with the help of the pipette, into the test tube. The test tube is now filled up to the 5 ml line.

Screw the cap on the large test tube.

Shake the test tube vigorously for 15 seconds, stop and allow the solution to react for up to 30 seconds.

Observe the band/ring of color at the top of the solution and compare with the Color Comparison Chart below.

If the top color changes from green to any color you are toxic in or more heavy metals. You should determine the source of toxic metals, remove the source, and chelate the toxic metals from your body. 

If the color remains green you are not toxic in the metals tested.

Adding urine for the Heavy Metal Urine Test


No toxins -Heavy Metal Screening Test

Color remains green.
No heavy metal ions are present.


No Toxins - Heavy Metal Urine Test

The green color changed to a purple color thus the heavy metal ion copper concentration is high.

Heavy Metal Urine Test Color Chart

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Heavy Metal Urine Test

Bonus Offer - Free Report
Purchase your Heavy Metal Test and receive the free report   Lowering Heavy Metal Toxicity. Discover effective ways to lower your toxic heavy metal levels. I use this report for each of my clients that have high levels of toxic heavy metals.  

Any color change from green, viewed directly on the top liquid surface level of the test tube, represents the presence of free metal ions. Compare with the color chart to find the metal.

Heavy Metal Screening Test reagents only bind to the unbound or free metal ions - metals which have not been neutralized by the body. In a healthy body with a well-functioning detoxification system, there should be no free heavy metals found in the urine. Heavy metal ions present in vitamins, minerals, food, amalgam fillings, tap water, bathing water, pools, hot tubs, dust, dishware, etc. may contribute to heavy metal intoxication.

This color chart indicates the presence of metals only. All free metal ions are toxic to our body. Free or unbound metals increase free radical production a million times – free radicals have been linked to all degenerative diseases, including cancer. If your self-test shows the presence of free heavy metals, a detoxification process should be undertaken and all potential sources of contamination should tested and eliminated.


You can use the Heavy Metal Screening Test to assess the effectiveness of your chelation, detoxification and water filtering process.

*When testing urine, test results indicating no metals present suggest one of two possibilities. Either the urine is indeed free of heavy metals, or the body is subject to advanced metal toxicity in which the body’s capacity (through liver, kidneys, intestine, etc.) to cope with free metal ions is totally exhausted. Often the urine pH is too acidic to allow the body to remove toxic metals.


If other members of your household have heavy metal concerns consult your health care professional for further investigation.


I’m available for Natural Care Consultations via telephone at established office charges. Please call 405.919.1982 to schedule a consultation if you have a need for additional information and guidance.  

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Heavy Metal Urine Test

Click on the links below for additional information about the Heavy Metal and Copper Urine Test.

Does Your Vitamin Cause Cancer?

Copper Urine Test

Heavy Metal Test Overview

Heavy Metal Urine Test Procedures

Heavy Metal Test Science

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