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Prostate Cancer: Coffee consumption reduces the risk

Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy - November 16, 2014

  • Drinking coffee reduces the risk of prostate cancer and aggressive prostate cancer.  


Coffee consumption reduces the risk of prostate cancerResearchers evaluated thirteen prostate cancer medical studies performed from 1966 to 2013. They found drinking coffee reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 14%.

Drinking coffee reduced the risk of advanced (aggressive) prostate cancer by 27%.

Consuming higher amounts of coffee reduced the risk of prostate cancer to a greater extent.

Bishop Natural Cancer Reports Pearles

Black coffee is preferred. Sugar and honey sweeteners and creamers may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Choose organic coffee to limit you exposure to pesticides and chemicals.

Use filtered water to decrease your exposure to toxins, copper and lead in your water. Your coffee will look and taste much better!

Brew your coffee with a coffee press. Caffeine is water soluble. The longer the coffee beans are exposed to the water the higher the amount of caffeine extracted into your cup.

Coffee with caffeine is preferred. The caffeine itself plays a significant role increasing the risk of prostate cancer and most other cancers. Decaffeinated coffee may have traces of chemicals used to remove the caffeine.

About the Author:

Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy (retired pharmacist), helps his clients improve their health by using natural products, functional tests, diet, lifestyle and self care. He writes special reports, consults and gives seminars on natural product, diet and lifestyle effects on cancer. You may schedule an appointment for customized natural cancer or alternative cancer recommendations by calling 405.919.1982.

Click here to learn more about Alternative Cancer Treatment Appointments.

Reference Source: International Urology and Nephrology. 2014 Aug;46(8):1481-93 Coffee consumption and urologic cancer risk: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Huang TB1, Guo ZF, et al.


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